Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Zeszyty Naukowe / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, ISSN 1689-7374 ; 112)
Forma i typ
Indeks ISBN: 978-83-7417-362-9
1. Weather Derivatives; 2. Event study analysis with market model and GARCH modeling: Announcement of share purchase on the Warsaw Stock Exchange; 3. Human capital, technological progress and economic growth in selected countries of European Union; 4. Market microstructure effect: the case of Polish stock market; 5. Modeling conditional dependence in the polish stock market using copulas; 6. Technology improvements in a multisector growth model with human capital and knowledge diffusion; 7. Discriminant analysis and rough set theory as methods of selection of shaves portofolio; 8. Modelling term structure of interest rate in immature markets; 9. On demand theory in the setting with price- dependent preferences; 10. Conditional value at risk; 11. A generalization of goodness property of adaptive rolling plans; 12. Approximate solutions of linear systems; 13. A mechanics of long-term economic growth- generalized neoclassical approach; 14. Interior points in nonlinear optimization with bounds on variables; 15. The agency costs of free cash flow in a firm; 16. Markov processes in long- term care insurance.
Status dostępności:
Czytelnia Czasopism
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 04/c (1 egz.)
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Streszcz. pol. przy rozdz.
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