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1. IT solutions for cardiological departments; 2. Symbolic Processor, universa, interactive mathematical packet; 3. Fractional calculus operator and its applications in the geometric dynamics function theory; 4. A non-parametric study of poverty dynamics in Germany from 1985 to 1996; 5. Univalent anti-anlytic perturbations of the identity in the unit disc; 6. Generalized problem of starlikeness in the class of meromorhic starlike functions; 7. Od reguły de l'Hospitala do twierdzenia Fatou; 8. Massvely parallel numerical simulations of magnetosonic waves in a solar coronal magnetic slab; 9. Analytical and numerical solutions for a system torsionally deformed; 10. Generalization of the solutions existence theorem for degenerate mappings; 11. Charakterization of mixed Poisson processes within the class of birth processes; 12. Quasiconformal extensions defined by some simple geometric condition; 13. Covering problems for the class of functions convex in the direction of the imaginary axis;
Status dostępności:
Czytelnia Czasopism
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 011/c (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
Tekst gł. ang., częśc. pol., streszcz. ang.
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