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The role of foreign direct investment in competitive economy / Ewa Bojar. - Toruń : TNOIK "Dom Organizatora", 2004. - 222 s. : mapy, tab., wykr.(w tym kolor.) ; 24 cm.
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1. The Role of Foreign Capital Investments and European Union's Funds in Regional and Local Development; 2. Joint Ventures as a Form of Reduction of Unemployment as per Example of Poor and Underdeveloped Regions in South - eastern Poland; 3. Foreign Direct Investment in a Late Industrialising Country: The Portuguese IDP Revisited; 4. Changes in Manufacturing Linkage Patterns in Scotland and Wales: Hollowing Out and Foreing Direct Investment?; 5. The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade: Substitution or Complementarity? A Survey. 6. Foreing Direct Investments and Competitiveness of the Polish Economy; 7. The Effectiveness of Companies with Foreign Capital in Poland; 8. Foreign Direct Investments, Regional Incentives and Regionald Attractiveness in Greece; 9. Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development; 10. Controversies over Foreign Investments; 11. Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Light of Foreign Direct Investment Influence on Development of Clusters, Quality and Flexibility; 12. The Impact of Foreign Direct Investments on Poland;s Balanse of Payments in the Years 1990 - 2000;
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 15757, 15758, 15759 (3 egz.)
Czytelnia - Magazyn
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 15756/XVIII/A czyt. (1 egz.)
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Bibliogr.s. 222
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